Monday, November 12, 2007

Baby Shower

~So Saturday my Best friend Carrie threw me a beautiful baby shower at her house. It was a diaper shower so of course we received tons of diapers and some wipes. Adam couldn't believe how many packs we had and the bottom of Benjamin's closet is now full :) Thank you to everyone who was able to come, it meant the world to me. Benjamin will definitely know how loved he is when he meets all of you.


Carrie said...

I am so happy you had a good time - I can't wait for that little man to get here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gil,
I was so surprised to hear that the beautiful blessed event has arrived. We were in choir tonight and your dad had some pictures. I said to him, whose baby is that? And then I said, Oh, my goodnes. Trisch has had her baby??? Evently, whomever listened to the voice mail at church did not pass the word on. Al and Kathy were away so no one might have checked it.
Congrats! We are so happy for you and Adam. Blessings on Benejamin.

June and Randy