Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's a Boy!!!

So we went to my OB appointment today and were talking to the Dr about pregnancy things. I had voiced a concern about Jasmin our 60# lab mix jumping on my stomach Sunday morning when she tried to get into bed with me. He immediately pulled out the heart tone monitor and the baby sounded really good. He then asked if we had done the genetic testing since the baby was IVF and told him no, which he replied"oh so you don't know the sex yet" that's when I mentioned we would like to know now if we could and he said sure if his tech had the time and the baby was in the right position. Well the tech had time and the baby was letting it all hang out. The funny part was when she thought she was seeing a penis but wanted to make sure it wasn't the umbilical cord and started to switch over he moved, well he moved enough that looking right at us was well.......as she put it quite a boy!! Adam was grinning from ear to ear and giving a big thumbs up. She tried to take a pic at that exact moment but he decided to move again. We got a pic of his"male parts" as best we could, but not like what he showed us the first time around. I think he realized he had an audience :)

Friday, June 22, 2007

No more TPS

So Adam has officially graduated and we are now enjoying some well deserved quality time together. Yesterday was our 4Th wedding anniversary and we went out to lunch and had a nice time. We were going to go away for a few days but had not made any plans so just decided to stay here and I am glad we did. The space shuttle landed here this afternoon so we went out to the hill and watched it orbit through, make two very loud booms and then lad on the lake bed and cast out it's parachute. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I literally got chill bumps from just watching it. I came through so fast...I had no idea!

Adam doesn't have to start his new job at the 416Th test wing until July9Th so we are just doing nothing and everything at the same time. I have an Ob appointment on Tuesday and he will be able to go with me this time. I am going to try and convince the Dr to do the ultrasound early to see what the sex is since I will be going to Florida next month for a baby shower. Keep your fingers crossed that they will do one :)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Graduation is finally here

The offical countdown has begun and we are now 2 days from graduation!!!! YEAH!!! I don't think I could be more happier. I am looking forward to having my husband back and actually being able to carry on a conversation with him and he respond with more than one word. I never thought my husband could be stressed out, but he can and TPS has done it. It has been a long hard year and it feels great that we are finally done and can now party and enjoy family visiting and take a well deserved vacation before he goes back to work and I get huge. Keep checking back with us for more baby updates and pics from graduation night.